
Mfrom Antoine Lafreri, Speculum Romanae magnificentiae, Rome (1546-1590) [INHA, open license]

My research focuses on the question of the common origin and development of the early modern sciences and humanities.

I currently hold a European Union Marie Curie fellowship with Princeton University and the University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari, for a research project titled “Antiquitates. Empirical Knowledge and Antiquarian Architecture in Sixteenth-Century Venice.” I work with Anthony Grafton in Princeton and Marco Sgarbi in Venice.

I am also writing a monograph titled The Early Modern Study of Ancient Measures in Comparative Perspective, 1500-1800 (under contract with Oxford University Press, Oxford-Warburg Studies series)

Der Wägleinmacher (in Hans Sachs, Eygentliche Beschreibung Aller Stände auff Erden, 1568)

Between 2017 and 2021 I ran a research project titled The Weight of Things, a multidisciplinary history of experimentation on the weight of substances in pre- and early modern Europe, between the history of the sciences and humanities. This project was awarded a 3-year grant from the DFG (German Research Foundation) (budget 294,000 Euro, period 2017-2021). I also received funding to develop specific aspects of this research from the Scientific Instruments Societythe Gerda Henkel Stiftungthe Vossius Center for History of Humanities and Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, the Huntington Library and the Deutsches Museum.